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Soldiers of the Patria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937

Frank D. McCann

[PDF.fx92] Soldiers of the Patria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937

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 | #6238386 in Books |  2003-12-15 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x1.70 x6.00l,2.28 | File type: PDF | 608 pages

||2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.| Role of Brazilian Military in Politics and Society|By A Customer|McCann shows a great deal of understanding through his work and extensive research of the Braziliam Army, as well as other topics Latin American. He has been a Professor at the University Of New Hampshire for many years, and has opened the eyes of many eager students in search of L. American history. Uses a clear| |"The book represents a major contribution to a better understanding of the role of the military in Brazil, its foundational period, and the dynamics of its intervention in a critical phase in the country's history. I strongly recommend McCann's Soldiers of

This book provides an authoritative history of the Brazilian army from the army’s overthrow of the monarchy in 1889 to its support of the coup that established Brazil’s first civilian dictatorship in 1937. The period between these two events laid the political foundations of modern Brazil―a period in which the army served as the core institution of an expanding and modernizing Brazilian state. The book is based on detailed research in Brazilian, British, A...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Soldiers of the Patria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937   |  Frank D. McCann.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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