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Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

George Francis Dow

[PDF.nv06] Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

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 | #975258 in Books |  1988-02-01 |  1988-02-01 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  8.48 x.82 x5.41l,.93 | File type: PDF | 416 pages

||2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.| Good reference|By hortus|My second copy. The only reason I am not giving it a five star rating is because a few historical details in the book have since been proven in a different light. George F. Dow was a pioneer in this type of historical work and laid the ground work for those coming after him.|30 of 30 people found the following review helpful.|Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the incidents, anecdotes, and events surrounding the first inhabitants of colonial New England are brought vividly to life.
Drawing extensively on contemporary rec...

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