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Unwanted Warriors: The Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Studies in Canadian Military History)

Nic Clarke

[PDF.dy77] Unwanted Warriors: The Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Studies in Canadian Military History)

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 | #10104852 in Books |  2016-04-07 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x6.25 x.75l,.0 | File type: PDF | 256 pages

|| |In Nic Clarke’s well-researched and well-written Unwanted Warriors: The Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, the historian at the Canadian War Museum has provided his readers with an illuminating study pertaining to Canada an

Unwanted Warriors uncovers the history of Canada's first casualties of the Great War – men who tried to enlist but were deemed "unfit for service." What impact did military exclusion have on these men? Nic Clarke looks for answers in the service files of 3,400 rejected volunteers and explores the mechanics of the medical examination, the physical and psychological qualities that the authorities believed made a fighting man, and how evaluations changed as the...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.Unwanted Warriors: The Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Studies in Canadian Military History)   |  Nic Clarke. Just read it with an open mind because none of us really know.

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