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The Revolution of 1861: The American Civil War in the Age of Nationalist Conflict (Civil War America)

Andre M. Fleche

[PDF.fg81] The Revolution of 1861: The American Civil War in the Age of Nationalist Conflict (Civil War America)

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The Revolution of 1861:  Andre M. Fleche book review
The Revolution of 1861:  Andre M. Fleche summary

 | #896001 in Books |  The University of North Carolina Press |  2012-03-01 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  .75 x6.45 x9.47l,.63 | File type: PDF | 224 pages


||0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Revolution vs. Civil War|By Sid Dowell|Fleche establishes a good argument for the classification of a Revolution for America's Civil War based on similarities between the Civil War and the revolutions sweeping Europe during 1848. His argument goes hand in glove with that of Roberts' Distant Revolutions: 1848 and the Challenge to American Exceptionalism.|9 of 11 people found th| |Fleche's sparkling new book comes during the sesquicentennial as a welcome harbinger of a new international interpretation of the Civil War. Smoothly written, well-grounded in primary sources, and cogently argued.--The Historian||

The Revo

It was no coincidence that the Civil War occurred during an age of violent political upheaval in Europe and the Americas. Grounding the causes and philosophies of the Civil War in an international context, Andre M. Fleche examines how questions of national self-determination, race, class, and labor the world over influenced American interpretations of the strains on the Union and the growing differences between North and South. Setting familiar events in an international...

You easily download any file type for your device.The Revolution of 1861: The American Civil War in the Age of Nationalist Conflict (Civil War America)   |  Andre M. Fleche.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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