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One Family's War: The Wartime Letters of Clarence Bourassa, 1940-1944

From University of Regina Press

[PDF.jt51] One Family's War: The Wartime Letters of Clarence Bourassa, 1940-1944

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 | #7600988 in Books |  2014-02-20 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  8.53 x1.50 x5.56l,1.75 | File type: PDF | 604 pages

|| |"This book deserves to be read by all Canadians". -- Keith Foster|About the Author|Rollie Bourassa was a commercial artist in Saskatchewan and a well-known personality. For more than 30 years, he has been the Regina Pats m

For half a century a box had lain undisturbed, buried under years of accumulated clutter in the back room of a house. The contents of the box: stacks of letters, neatly bundled in chronological order, four years' worth. The letter writer was Clarence Bourassa, a man who had enlisted with the South Saskatchewan Regiment in 1940. Clarence's son, Rollie, had never known of the letters' existence. His mother, to whom the letter were written, had never spoken of them. Then, i...

You easily download any file type for your device.One Family's War: The Wartime Letters of Clarence Bourassa, 1940-1944   |  From University of Regina Press. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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