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Nikkei in the Interior West: Japanese Immigration and Community Building, 1882–1945

Eric Walz

[PDF.cf65] Nikkei in the Interior West: Japanese Immigration and Community Building, 1882–1945

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Nikkei in the Interior  Eric Walz summary

 | #3811899 in Books |  University of Arizona Press |  2012-05-01 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x1.00 x6.00l,1.10 | File type: PDF | 224 pages


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"Walz's study provides extensive detail on the scholarship of ethnicity building. For those more interested in history and events than in historiography, the study incorporates oral histories, case studies, and statistics to reveal the personal experience

Eric Walz's Nikkei in the Interior West tells the story of more than twelve thousand Japanese immigrants who settled in the interior West--Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah. They came inland not as fugitives forced to relocate after Pearl Harbor but arrived decades before World War II as workers searching for a job or as picture brides looking to join husbands they had never met.    

Despite being isolated from their nat...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Nikkei in the Interior West: Japanese Immigration and Community Building, 1882–1945   |  Eric Walz. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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