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Monongahela 1754–55: Washington’s defeat, Braddock’s disaster (Campaign)

René Chartrand

[PDF.kd90] Monongahela 1754–55: Washington’s defeat, Braddock’s disaster (Campaign)

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Monongahela 1754–55: Washington’s defeat,  René Chartrand book review
Monongahela 1754–55: Washington’s defeat,  René Chartrand summary

 | #1147845 in Books |  Osprey Publishing |  2004-09-23 |  2004-09-23 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.90 x5.84 x7.23l, | File type: PDF | 96 pages

 | 9781841766836

||24 of 26 people found the following review helpful.| Wilderness Power|By R. A Forczyk|René Chartrand's Monongahela 1754-1755, #140 in Osprey's Campaign series, is another excellent volume on the Seven Years War in North America from the French perspective. Chartrand brings his extensive knowledge on the subject, combined with an insightful writing style, to produce a fresh look on how the war started. American readers|From the Publisher|Highly visual guides to history's greatest conflicts, detailing the command strategies, tactics, and experiences of the opposing forces throughout each campaign, and concluding with a guide to the battlefields today.|

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