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“Licentious Liberty” in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region: Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Sabará, Minas Gerais

Kathleen J. Higgins

[PDF.wm06] “Licentious Liberty” in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region: Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Sabará, Minas Gerais

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“Licentious Liberty” in a  Kathleen J. Higgins summary

 | #804412 in Books |  Kathleen Higgins |  2007-04-19 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x.75 x6.00l,.82 | File type: PDF | 248 pages

 | Licentious Liberty in a Brazilian Gold Mining Region Slavery Gender and Social Control in Eighteenth Century Sabara Minas Gerais

||10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.| A highly recommended study on brazilian slavery|By Fábio Pimentel|"Licentious Liberty' in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region : Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Sabara, Minas Gerais" is a wonderful examination of the interactions between masters and slaves in the gold-mining areas in eighteenth-century Brazil. This masterpiece shows how the gender| ||“[A] ‘must-read’ for all those interested in the African Diaspora and Brazilian slavery.”|—Mary Karasch, Oakland University

|“The author examines diverse secular and ecclesiastical administrative sources . . . to

To studies of Brazilian slavery, this book adds a new dimension by showing how it developed in a region where mining was the chief commercial activity and how important a role gender played in this frontier setting in creating opportunities for slaves to achieve some measure of autonomy, compared with slaves who worked in sugar-cane and coffee-growing areas.

The interactions among masters, slaves, and royal officials were profoundly shaped by the accessibility a...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.“Licentious Liberty” in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region: Slavery, Gender, and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Sabará, Minas Gerais   |  Kathleen J. Higgins. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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