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Around Haledon: Immigration and Labor (Images of America: New Jersey)

Angelica M. Santomauro, Evelyn M. Hershey

[PDF.nz31] Around Haledon: Immigration and Labor (Images of America: New Jersey)

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Around Haledon: Immigration and  Angelica M. Santomauro, Evelyn M. Hershey book review
Around Haledon: Immigration and  Angelica M. Santomauro, Evelyn M. Hershey summary

 | #1733846 in Books |  2008-07-07 |  2008-07-07 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.31 x6.50l,.69 | File type: PDF | 128 pages

||0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| Haledon History|By William H. Metzger|A great historical book for those from the area.|0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| The silk industry and the workers who made it possible.|By Thomas W. Dann|Gives an insight into the silk industry and the workers who made this industry possible. My great grandfather was par|About the Author|Angelica M. Santomauro, executive director of the American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark, and Evelyn M. Hershey, education director at the museum, have assembled a revealing and moving collection of historical images of immigrants,

By 1908, when Haledon became independent from Manchester Township, thousands of southern and eastern European immigrants settled in the borough and its surrounding area. Immigrants found work in textile mills, machine shops, and other industries located in proximity to the city of Paterson and the Passaic River and its mighty Great Falls. Land promoters spurred home building in Haledon, a streetcar suburb. In 1913, nearly 25,000 workers went on strike, demanding an eight...

You easily download any file type for your device.Around Haledon: Immigration and Labor (Images of America: New Jersey)   |  Angelica M. Santomauro, Evelyn M. Hershey. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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